City Hall/ Reading Train Station

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There is a reason that Brian de Palma chose this Philadelphia area to film his signature movie, “Blowout.” Other flicks that used this area to colorfully tell a story include, “The Shooter,” with Mark Wahlberg as well as Twelve Monkeys with Colin Ferrel and National Treasure with Nichols Cage. The train station itself has been on the National Historic Register since 1976 for good reason. Between modern structures and old, as well as a bustling the market place the photographic narratives available run from stories dating back hundreds of years, to street portraits thanks to a melting pot of a variety of shoppers, vendors, street performers and other types.

Architectural photography lessons, demonstrated and supervised by your DPA instructor, begin with 250 sculptures which adorn City Hall. They were created by the grandfather of   sculptor Alexander Calder’s grandfather, Alexander Milne Calder and make for interesting perspectives to capture the building itself as well as the compelling architectural details of this ornate structure, once the tallest building in the country when it was built in the late 1800’s. Try a worm’s eye view and get a dynamic profile against the sky or point your lens directly toward the building and frame it with the dizzying traffic along the circular formation of Market and Broad Streets to contrast a vintage world versus contemporary madness.

Another architectural photo op is the Reading Terminal Train Station built in 1889 which offers old-world charm both from the exterior and the interior with high ceilings, picturesque stairwells and an array of other details in this grand hall.

Then there are countless environmental portraits to choose from at the Reading Terminal Market, an indoor space with over 100 vendors of every kind including colorful fruit, produce, flowers, ethnic foods, all on display under the ceiling that resonates from an old warehouse theme decorated with wonderful billboards of nostalgic typeface and design, flashing neon signs, different performers living off of the tips provided by appreciative shoppers. Whether portraits of the vendors or shoppers, the stories can be told in your photos. Try close ups of the bins of colorful fruits to get a vibrant image of patterns and shapes as well as a broad view to take in the overall scene of activity.

Call Digital Photo Academy at 1 877 372 2231. Lots of people seem to hang up if our welcome recording comes on instead of a live voice, but we promise to return your message within a day or two if you leave one with your name and number.  It would be even better if you included your e mail address as well as the date and city of the class you are considering.  If leaving a voice mail message is not your thing, please email us at [email protected].

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