Travis Hocutt
Certainly Travis Hocutt knows everything there is to know about digital photography, but he got his start in the style of photography that began before the American Civil War.
Travis Hocutt is a familiar face around the venerable Santa Fe Photographic Workshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico and well known for his award winning alternative process photography. Toward that end, Travis has lived in a tepee with no electricity to emulate the forerunners of these antebellum photo techniques. Travis has also traveled throughout the Scandenavian countries and South America developing his photographic vision.
– Instructor, Cranbrook Summer Institute, Summer 2013
– Instructor, Nordphotography Workshops, Norway Summer 2013
– Instructor, Digital Photo Academy, Summer 2012-Current
– Freelance Private Instructor, Boston & NYC, Summer 2011
– Assistant, John Coffer, New York, Summer 2011
– Private Instructor, Luis Gonzalez Palma, Cordoba Argentina, Spring 2011
– Workshop Instructor, Meridion Gallery, Buenos Aires Argentina, Spring 2011
– Course Assistant, Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, Summer 2009
– Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Stellar, 2013
– Reliant H Gallery, Solo Exhibition, 2011
– indi go gallery, Solo Exhibition, 2011
– Mills Pond House Gallery, Alt. Process Competition, 2010
– SOHO Photo Gallery, Annual Alt. Process Competition, 2010
– Garrison (NY) Gallery, Photocentric, 2010
– Rubin-Frankel Gallery, Realization of Dreams (1st Place), 2010
– Photographic Resource Center, Student Exhibition, 2010
– 29 Newbury, Taking In Benefit Show, 2010
– Laconia Gallery, Taking In Exhibition, 2011, 2010, 2009
– AIB Porter Gallery, Taking In Exhibition, 2010, 2009
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