
Thomas Arledge

Photographer Thomas ArledgeConcentrating on environmental portraiture and landscape photography, Thomas has produced images for a wide range of projects with advertising agencies, graphic design firms, corporate, and institutional clients. Among the accounts he has collaborated with include American Express, Amtrak, DuPont, Exxon Mobil, General Dynamics, Georgetown University, Pacific Gas & Electric, Sheraton Hotels, Smithsonian Museums, US Airways, and United Airlines.

In terms of recognition, his photography has been featured in competitions and publications such as Black & White Magazine, Communication Arts Advertising and Photography Annuals, Graphis, Identity and Print Magazine.

In addition to teaching photography at Boston University CDIA, Washington DC Campus, and the DPA and managing his business, Thomas is studying advanced web design and development, so that he may apply his photographic skills and visual aesthetic in designing and producing interactive communications.

Call Digital Photo Academy at 1 877 372 2231. Lots of people seem to hang up if our welcome recording comes on instead of a live voice, but we promise to return your message within a day or two if you leave one with your name and number.  It would be even better if you included your e mail address as well as the date and city of the class you are considering.  If leaving a voice mail message is not your thing, please email us at or

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  1. “Thanks for a great class, I really appreciated receiving your pointers. Do you teach other composition in the field classes? I would be interested in taking other classes that you teach.”

    – Christine Lyons

  2. “Great class, and we especially enjoyed the one-on-one time, which is when the real learning happened for me and Christy.”

    – Lucian

  3. “Thomas for such an informative and beneficial class. The whole time was packed with great ideas. (certainly more than what one would expect in three hours spent) I really like your easy going approach and ability to communicate so much of your experience so well. I can’t wait to attend your other classes around DC area!”

    – John Peterson

  4. “My instructor, Thomas Arledge was absolutely outstanding. He has a very easy going manner and a great methodology. He was very helpful and attentive. I was amazed at how quickly we were all taking not only better photos, but experimenting with newer ways to look at composition.

    I will certainly be looking to attend in more of both his DPA programs and your other ones as well as recommending them to others.”

    – J.M. Peterson

  5. “Thanks again for all of you time and instruction yesterday. Patrick and I had a great time and learned a lot. Attached are two of the ones that I took and believe are best efforts. I will send you a separate mail with another pair. Please let me know what you think.”

    – Malcolm

  6. “Thank you so much for your class! We really enjoyed it and hope to be back again.”

    – Jill & Chris McGuire

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