Dennis Szerszen
Now an accomplished fine art photographer, Dennis Szerszen has a background in software and imagery, now retired from an idea man in building software for consumer and commercial usage. But Szerszen began his pursuit of photography in junior high school while snooping through the recesses of the building that led to his discovery of a dark room no longer in operation, although he soon changed that. Teachers were inspired by Dennis and before long the school photography club began.
You might agree that Dennis’s fine art photography inspires an ethereal sense that a viewer can get lost in. Soft colors and blurred lines of his nature images and soulful portraits can trigger personal memories of bringing one back to their own childhood, memories of past places or dreams of somewhere unknown.
Szerszen is known for his published photographs as well as exhibitions at the Triangle Visual Artists Art Guild. He shares his passions as a mentor at local youth groups to help refugees to use photography as a universal language of self-expression and social connections.
If you notice an exotic sensibility in Dennis’s work it might emanate from his years of work experience in foreign countries including, Luxembourg, Sweden, Ireland, Italy, and many cities in the United States.
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