
Bobbie Goodrich

Bobbie-Goodrich-bio-picFor Bobbie Goodrich, photography started out as a reference point for her needs as an oil painter. Realizing that her photographic images were more than just pictures; rather intimate and expressive works capturing the personality and soul of her subjects, she embarked on a worldwide journey capturing third world indigenous cultures and people. Finding immense satisfaction behind the lens, she jumped into the digital arena in its infancy. Slowly, she began developing her own innovative techniques in the digital darkroom using photoshop and her latest, favorite tool from her artist’s bag, NIK

Bobbie likes to say she went to the “School of Intuition” rather than the usual modes of method and technicality… although she has done a lot of that, too. When she captures an image on her canon camera , the basics are there. Her acclaimed expertise with Nik Filters came after she realized that she was able to produce dramatic and painterly images with the filters. Her work gained recognition and the attention of NIK, where she is now a member of their software team.

Bobbie Goodrich has won worldwide attention as a fine art photographer with her unique and stunning imagery. “My process is highly intuitive and I draw upon the same principles required for creating a successful oil canvas. One which demands an emotional response from the viewer.” From raw capture to final print, you will explore and learn from a highly skilled and creative fine art photographer.

Her passion for teaching has brought her students from around the world, many of whom have already gained recognition under her mentorship. Her limited edition works have been honored in several museum exhibitions, including “Cowgirl Up” atthe Desert Caballeros Western Museum in Wickenburg, AZ, and Phoenix Art Museum fundraiser exhibit for their new, contemporary wing. She is also represented by the Zuva Gallery in Scottsdale, Goldenstein Gallery in Sedona, Bentley Publishing and Licensing and Rosenstiel Fine Art Editions in the UK.

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