
Bill Blanchard Classes

DPA instructor, Bill Blanchard is teaching the following Classes:

For more information or questions contact Bill at, or phone, 732 651 9800
Class I’m doing on my own,  Photoshop / Lightroom Classes:
Aug. 17,  Photoshop / Elements Basics, Hazlet NJ, at the  Classroom Space,  9am to 12:00
Sept. 7, Lightroom Basics, Hazlet NJ, at the Classroom Space,  9 am to 12:00
To register, contact me directly for these classes, or 732 651 9800
Classes I’m teaching at the Visual Art Center of New Jersey  Summit NJ
Sept. 9 to Nov. 1, Introduction to Digital Photography (class #1114), Tuesdays, 7pm to 9:30
Sept. 11 to Nov. 20, Creative Exploration in Digital Photography (Class #1126), Thursdays, 9:30am to 12:00
Sept. 12, to Nov. 14, Photoshop & Photography as a Fine Art Form (Class #1132), Fridays,9:30am to 12:00
To register or for more information go to page 13 & 14 of VACNJ’s catalog found at,
Classes I’m teaching at the Paul Robeson School for the Arts(aka Arts Council of Princeton)Princeton NJ
Sept. 22 to Nov. 3, Further Explorations in Photoshop,  Mondays 10am to 12:30
Sept. 22 to Nov. 3, Lightroom Basics,  Mondays 1 to 3:30pm
Oct. 1 to Nov. 5, Archival Photo Restoration, Wednesdays. 10am to 12:30
Scan your old damaged photos and restoring them in Photoshop at ACP’s Digital Photo Lab
Two Day Photo Shoot & Lightroom Workshop
Oct 25, Shooting images at Princeton Univ. campus, 1 to 4:00
Oct 26, Working on those images in Lightroom at, ACP’s Digital Photo Lab, 10am to 1:00
For more information or to register go to:
Classes are listed by date and my last name, Blanchard