
Bernardo Olmos

Bernardo-Olmos-bio-pic2My first professional interest is focused on the production of an image of extraordinary composition and technical quality.  From producing a marketing image for the promotion of architecture, interior design and products, to provide consulting to professionals in industry. My focus is to provide interior designers and decorators not only images for their portfolios, but also with unique and customized pieces of art that complement any design. The contemporary lifestyle design allows the integration of images into design. Offering unique library of images and my ability to develop flexible individualized options, I provide design professionals with customized solutions. Whether it’s an individual custom tailored piece of art or a series produced multiply times. Architects and interior designers in usa, europe and latin america; real state companies, hotels and restaurants have been part of my latest commissions.

Solo shows
2012 The Point, Art Media Gallery, United States Of America, Www.Artmediaus.Com
2008 C Series, Metropolitan Institute For Cultural Heritage Of Caracas, Venezuela
2008 Formal Registry I Villanueva, Architects Association Of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
2007 Formal Registry Ii Villanueva, Tolon Fashion Mall, Caracas, Venezuela

Group Shows
2011 Memento, Art Media Gallery, Miami, United States Of America
2011 Intellectual Perceptions, Estudio Arte 8 Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela
2011 Ópticas Urbanas, Estudio Arte 8 Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela
2010 La Crisis, Ies Puerta Bonita, Madrid, Spain
2008 jóvenes artistas con la fiaam, maracaibo, venezuela
2004 como en la tele, museum of fine arts, caracas, venezuela

Call Digital Photo Academy at 1 877 372 2231. Lots of people seem to hang up if our welcome recording comes on instead of a live voice, but we promise to return your message within a day or two if you leave one with your name and number.  It would be even better if you included your e mail address as well as the date and city of the class you are considering.  If leaving a voice mail message is not your thing, please email us at or

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  1. February 18, 2014

    “It was a pleasure meeting you and working with you. I look forward to staying in contact and will send photos as you suggested.

    You did an excellent job. Would not change anything.”

    – Lilia

  2. February 18, 2014

    “I really enjoyed your class on Sunday.”

    – Jo

  3. cthome
    January 26, 2015

    “The class was great! Bernardo was a wonderful teacher; very knowledgable about cameras, composition and the art of photography as well. He patiently explained the camera, and then worked with me to master all the functions and different buttons as we walked around. I stayed for the Composition in the Field portion of the class and found the experience to be very valuable. Getting the chance to compose my own pictures and then show them to Bernardo for feedback was a good way to get feedback on how to improve aspects of each shot- be it composition, changing the exposure or even using the flash in some cases.

    I’m more than satisfied with my day spent learning more about photography, it has definitely encouraged me to get out there and shoot more! Once I get the chance to put my photos on the computer I’ll send some your way to show you what we accomplished!

    Best Regards,”

    -Chris Thome

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