Live online photo critique with photographer Matt Lit


Teaching the technical, instilling the passion and providing the inspiration to help students attain their photographic visions.

Take the next steps with your photography and receive live, online photo critique and instruction from one of our Digital Photo Academy photo instructors.

Combine in-the-field photo instruction with this at-home guidance to elevate your photography!

How it Works

You’ll send us your original images, whether JPEG, RAW or converted to DNG format. I can cover a number of topics from import (workflow), editing (choosing, renaming, keywords and collections), post processing including basic approaches to enhancing your images to bring out their best, exporting and working with exported images. 

Sessions can be tailored specific to your needs. They’ll include access to my workflow tutorial videos for your follow-up reference.

A typical one to 1.5-hour online session costs $125 and can include: 

Note also that we offer a range of other online video tutorials as well as live in-person monthly group workshops and private live classes in 24 cities. If you have questions call us on our toll free number at 877 372 2231. If the answering machine picks up we promise to get back to you within 24 hours so please do leave a message.

DPA Instructor Matt Lit

Hello! I’m a Digital Photo Academy instructor with 40 years of photographing and 20+ years of teaching photography in higher education, private workshops and youth programs.

My passion is passing along my photography abilities to students. I hold a degree in Photojournalism, a Colorado Teaching Certificate, a Career Technical Equivalency (for teaching college-level classes) and continue to expand my post-secondary education through higher education workshops, professional development and courses on teaching methods.

I’ve served as an Adobe Campus Leader and have earned the following Adobe EDU certifications:

  • Adobe Campus Leader
  • Adobe Digital Photography Educator
  • Adobe Photojournalism
  • Adobe Youth Voices

I’ve been doing online critiques with my online college students since 2013. Now you can benefit and make the images you just captured in your workshop shine!